This Week for My Blog, We had to blog about how fun we had at the disco party last night !
First, In the very afternoon, We had pizza, Garlic bread and a movie !
Then, After the pizza and everything else, we had to go home to get prepared for the disco for 3 Hours.Then after we went home to prepare, we came back to school and went into the hall, when we were greeted by people and they gave us A packet of chips, Soda and a glow in the dark necklace.Then after that, we danced and danced until it was time to go home and get some rest for the next day. And I forgot, We also got to wear mufty !
I need to improve on making more sentences and describing on how much fun we had at the disco.
I enjoyed having fun at the disco.
I did well at my work . 😄
Talofa Lava, Taisorn, that disco photo that I see, that looked fun. I wish I could come, but I couldn’t because I had to drop off my nana to the Airport. And those dance moves look good