Month: November 2023

Pencil Holder

This term for Inquiry, We had to make a pencilholder for Our Schol Gala on Wednesday to sell for tokens. We used paper, Cardboard and a Design. First we had to grab some paper and cut it and use a ruler. Then, we had to grab some toilet paper rolls and glue the paper onto the toilet paper rolls . After we did that , w needed to find a design to print out and put on our paper rolls. After we found a design to put on our paper rolls, We had to print them and glue them together and grabbed some string and a paper hole cutter and make two holes in the paper rolls then we had to put the string trough the holes so we can make a carrier .  Then , we had to show off our skills and write a blog post about it. Then, We had to show off our techniques and how we can make it better and cool. Overall, I think we did pretty good jobs at making them and showing them off to people. Here is my skills and how I made mine.

Wonder Chapter 11 – 13

This week for reading, we continued our novel study for the text “Wonder” by RJ Palacio. We had to read Chapters 11 to 13, then complete the tasks that went with them.  My favourite task was creating a text message conversation between the characters.  I did well at completing all the slides on time.  I need to improve on how I visualise a passage of text.  I enjoyed when we had to read the story and write about it.

What Is A Prototype

This Week For Inquiry We had to watch a video about What A Prototype is . A Prototype is the thing that you are creating that looks like something you have at home but in your own way . Anyways , We had to create a poster or a google slide explaining what a Prototype is . After We had completed our Posters and Google Slides, We had to blog them . After we blogged them , We had to put it on our Must Do Schedule .

I need to improve on explaining what A Prototype is .

I enjoyed when we had to watch the video about What A Prototype is .

I did well at writing my blog and doing my work.


How To Show Respect

This Week For PB4L , We had to make a poster on how to show Respect . First We had to complete The JamBoard Our Teacher sent us in a Gmail. After We had completed All The Questions on the JamBoard, We had to make a poster. After We made The Poster , We had to blog it and we had to write a blog caption About Our Show Respect Poster.

I need to improve on Writing My Blog Caption Better.

I enjoyed when we had to complete the Jamboard and the poster.

I did well at trying My Best and Doing My Work.

Film Review

This Week For My Film Review , I had to write about the rating of my favorite movie and what happens in the movie and If I would recommened the movei to diffrent age levels. I chose to write about The Words We Carry By Roscommon School Because the movie was sad in the beggining , But at the end the movie got better By Fixing the past mistakes. There was A lot of Students in the movie that were being mean to the nice and ordinary kid that is nice and sad that the kids in his class think he is dirty minded. After The Nice Kid went outside , He decided to go on a walk at the park. But Later At The Park , There was a nice kid going around the park and giving kids that felt sad because they got called mean some red notes that said Im Loved. That’s why I loved the movie , Because it starts of sad , But Later on , It Get’s happy and awsome. I definetly recommened this movie to Ages 5- 15 plus because It Teaches them that if they are getting bullied, There is always help coming and on the way for them .

I need to improve on watching the movie and writing more description about the movie to convince people to watch athe movie and always know that there is always help later on .

I enjoyed when we had to write about one of our favorite movies and give the movie a rating .

I did well at choosing my favorite movie and writing about it .

Film Festival

This Wednesday at the movies, We had to go there to watch the manaikalani film festival. It was pretty fun watching all the movies that the other schools made including our school . Some Of Our school’s movies wern’t showing on the big screen because we couldn’t watch it for some reason . But When we were watching one of the movies , The same movie that we had just finished had just started again . And after we watched it for the second time we were watching another movie . Then After that movie ended , Something went wrong with the internet. For Some reason , After one of the movies finished , We still heard the movie playing even though the screen was black and the movie had finished, We could still hear the movie. After all the movies, We went down the escalator and went to the bus to go back to school to play.  Also , Here is the website to watch all the movies from the cinema that was in the film festival . Here

I need to improve on being more quiet when we were watching the movie.

I enjoyed whe we had to watch the movie and some of us laughed at one of the movies that was playing.

I did well at watching the movie and not interuppting the people that were watching the movie.


This Week For Writing , We had to chose ether A Google Docs To Do our Writing on , Or Pixton . Some People choose Google Docs and the others chose Pixton . Pixton is really fun to do your writing on . You can create your own characters and stories and even write about it . I don’t know why the others chose Google Docs Instead of Pixton. But Anyways , Here is My story That I made on pixton . You’d Have to copy the url and paste it into your seach bar . Here’s The Link :

That is my pixton link if you want to read My Story . Here is a link for pixton to sign up or login .

I need to improve on Doing More work On Pixton about My story .

I enjoyed when we had to write some stuff on Pixton and we’d get to make our own characters.

I did well at doing my work and trying my best .h

Ask For Help

This Week For PB4L , We had to make a poster on ideas on how to ask people for help . But First , We had to complete a Jamboard and make A Lanscape or A portrait poster About Asking For Help .  Here is My poster That I made on how to ask for help . Everyone else was making their own poster and landscapes about asking for help. After We Did The Jamboard and Had Completed Our Posters and Our Landscapes , We had to write a caption and a blog post about  it. After We made a blog post about it , We had to put it On Our Must Do’s And Everytime we do work , We get random percentages for completing work and for getting our free time .

I need to improve on doing more work and writing.

I enjoyed when we had to make our own poster on how to ask for help .

I did well at doing my work and trying my best .


This term in reading we are diving into a novel study for the book “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio. This week we are trying to understand the characteristics and personalities of key characters in the story. We also practiced summarisation skills by extracting relevant details from the text.

We had to read Part One Chapters 8-10 which was about August’s Ordinary story and how he became not normal.

Next, we used what we had read to answer our slides about the key characters.

I enjoyed when we had to read The Novel and do the emoji matching and solving,
I need to improve on doing more work and trying to solve it more better.
I did well at trying my best at doing my own work.