Tag: Writing

Special Delivery

This Week for Writing, We had to write about the mystery box that we received a few weeks ago.Then, We had to write on what we think could be in the box.And After all of that, we had to show our teacher then we blogged it and wrote a caption about what our task was.

I need to improve on making a better story.

I enjoyed when we had to write a story about the mysterious box.

I did well at writing my story.

Recount Brainstorm

This Week for Writing we made paper boats and had a class challenge to get us excited. And we designed and built our popsicle stick boats.Then , We tested our boats to see if they would float, and keep the tea bag dry.  And if we did both, we get a lollipop for our prize. When we were building the boats I felt excited.When we were testing the boats, I felt nervous. Afterwards, I felt proud because my boat worked.

The Movie Night

My Friends decided to watch a movie with me and my family at night , so we got in the car and drove to the movies to watch the new movie that came out near the cinema near us.

First, We called each other to meet up at the movies at Sylvia Park .So we went to the movies, and We first met up, Then we went to the counter to get some tickets for all of us including my friends.So After we got our tickets, we went into the movie room where our movie was going to start playing at .So we went into that room and sat down in our chairs and we waited for the movie to start.
Next, The Big screen in front of us turned on and showed us some advertisements. Then after the advertisements were done, The movie was going to start.So, The Lights turned off and the big screen turned on the movie.So We watched the movie for 2 hours then we were hungry.So We decided to get some food after we watched the whole movie but the movie wasn’t done yet.
Then, After the movie was done, we all walked out the door and went down the elevator and we all walked to the Sushi Shop to eat for our lunch.Then After We got to the sushi shop, We ordered a sandwich that is made of rice and seaweed and we ordered some rice and teriyaki chicken for the all of us.So we first ate our rice and seaweed sandwich, Then we ate our rice and teriyaki chicken .So After we were finished eating sushi , we decided to roam around the mall a little bit.

Then after we roamed around the mall for a little bit and bought some stuff from the mall, We all went back home.I was so happy that we ate sushi for lunch and that we went to the movies to watch a two hour movie.


Letter Writing

This week we started our unit on letter writing. Our task this week was to label the different features of a letter.  The different features of a letter.  Some of the features of a letter are : Name of person you are writing to, Address of sender, Date etc.  I did well at Writing My letter to The Prime Minister , Christopher Luxon. I enjoyed When we had to write a letter To CHristopher Luxon and blox it. I need to improve on Doing More writing and work.


Film Review

This Week For My Film Review , I had to write about the rating of my favorite movie and what happens in the movie and If I would recommened the movei to diffrent age levels. I chose to write about The Words We Carry By Roscommon School Because the movie was sad in the beggining , But at the end the movie got better By Fixing the past mistakes. There was A lot of Students in the movie that were being mean to the nice and ordinary kid that is nice and sad that the kids in his class think he is dirty minded. After The Nice Kid went outside , He decided to go on a walk at the park. But Later At The Park , There was a nice kid going around the park and giving kids that felt sad because they got called mean some red notes that said Im Loved. That’s why I loved the movie , Because it starts of sad , But Later on , It Get’s happy and awsome. I definetly recommened this movie to Ages 5- 15 plus because It Teaches them that if they are getting bullied, There is always help coming and on the way for them .

I need to improve on watching the movie and writing more description about the movie to convince people to watch athe movie and always know that there is always help later on .

I enjoyed when we had to write about one of our favorite movies and give the movie a rating .

I did well at choosing my favorite movie and writing about it .


This Week For Writing , We had to chose ether A Google Docs To Do our Writing on , Or Pixton . Some People choose Google Docs and the others chose Pixton . Pixton is really fun to do your writing on . You can create your own characters and stories and even write about it . I don’t know why the others chose Google Docs Instead of Pixton. But Anyways , Here is My story That I made on pixton . You’d Have to copy the url and paste it into your seach bar . Here’s The Link : https://share.pixton.com/q1lcmze

That is my pixton link if you want to read My Story . Here is a link for pixton to sign up or login .


I need to improve on Doing More work On Pixton about My story .

I enjoyed when we had to write some stuff on Pixton and we’d get to make our own characters.

I did well at doing my work and trying my best .h

Alternative Endings

Throughout this year, our Writing group has learnt different aspects of writing a narrative story. This week’s task was to “finish” 6 stories we chose out of the slides Miss Tele’a provided.  My favourite ending I wrote was for the story Callum’s Gaming Day, because it was a day for Callum to have fun and play games all day .  I did well at writing cool endings for my stories. I need to improve on thinking of some more endings and ideas. I enjoyed writing endings for some stories and making them interesting.

Term 3 Review

In LS1, this term was full of exciting things like Swimming, Art , Writing & Maths.

Thinking back on the last few months, I’m so happy about All of our work that we did which was fun to do. Like Kahoot for Writing.

I’ve been busy with all sorts of subjects, but the best part about Term 3 for me was Inquiry. I liked The Science experiments but the sad thing is that we can’t do them anymore.

When it comes to reading, my favourite text I read was Bok Choy.  I most enjoyed Epic books in reading.

Writing was super fun, especially when I got to the narrative part to write in.

My favourite task in writing this term was The Kahoot because We got to answer every quiz that we knew the answer to for fun.

In Maths, I especially enjoyed when we learnt about Pencil code because We’d get to create shapes, Take pictures of them and create the best things of all.

For our special Inquiry experiments, I really enjoyed The melting ice and the Dancing Raisins. Because It looked like they were having a party in the jug but in reality, They are just dancing.

In P.E. (Physical Education), I had a blast participating in Football because It was so fun to kick the ball around and do some kicks and play football with Coach Francis. I liked the part when he told us he was a real soccer player a long times ago.He even showed us his shirt.

I learnt how to do high kicks, And most of all I learned how to be a good sportsmanship.

But you know what? I also found some areas where I can get even better. Like in reading About the read aloud Slides.

While I loved writing, I’ve noticed I need to work on My Persuasive speech and do some more thinking on writing.

Maths was interesting, but I want to get better at fractions.

In our special projects, I realised I need to work on Doing Teamwork and actually be really helpful.

In P.E., I think I could improve, especially in Football .

Looking forward to the next term, I’m excited about Art, Kahoot and Writing.

To sum it up, this term was really fun, and I’m thankful for All the fun stuff we did in term 3 like the dot art.

Thinking about what I liked and what I can improve helps me understand How to be better at helping others.

I can’t wait to see what the next term brings, and I’m ready to Learn better. Here is what our old memories look like at the pools. I’s especially looking forward for Prizegiving, Athaletics, The Film Festabal and Cross country. I need to improve on doing some more work to do some more awsome fun activities. I enjoyed whe  we had to write a lot of stuff about what we liked this term. I did well at trying my best on doing some aswome fun things.

Speech Competion

This week on Wednesday,We had a speech compition.They all had diffrent speeches to show to us and read about to us.Some of them didn’t need to use cue cards to read.They read it a lot and remembered the whole thing ! Isn’t that crasy ? Anyways the one person who said the whole thing without using the cue cards was Marcel.Marcel was so immpresive to listen at ,That he even achevied 3 ceterficates .I was proud at him.He tried his hardest and his best and has never became so happy ! I learned that we can work together and get great and awsome awards and prises.I enjoyed when we had to watch all of the people say their speeches in the finals.I did well and listening to them and not talking.