My Friends decided to watch a movie with me and my family at night , so we got in the car and drove to the movies to watch the new movie that came out near the cinema near us.
First, We called each other to meet up at the movies at Sylvia Park .So we went to the movies, and We first met up, Then we went to the counter to get some tickets for all of us including my friends.So After we got our tickets, we went into the movie room where our movie was going to start playing at .So we went into that room and sat down in our chairs and we waited for the movie to start.
Next, The Big screen in front of us turned on and showed us some advertisements. Then after the advertisements were done, The movie was going to start.So, The Lights turned off and the big screen turned on the movie.So We watched the movie for 2 hours then we were hungry.So We decided to get some food after we watched the whole movie but the movie wasn’t done yet.
Then, After the movie was done, we all walked out the door and went down the elevator and we all walked to the Sushi Shop to eat for our lunch.Then After We got to the sushi shop, We ordered a sandwich that is made of rice and seaweed and we ordered some rice and teriyaki chicken for the all of us.So we first ate our rice and seaweed sandwich, Then we ate our rice and teriyaki chicken .So After we were finished eating sushi , we decided to roam around the mall a little bit.
Then after we roamed around the mall for a little bit and bought some stuff from the mall, We all went back home.I was so happy that we ate sushi for lunch and that we went to the movies to watch a two hour movie.